Painted Turtle Lodge
Post Treatment Support Services
At this time we are ONLY accepting individuals who have completed a treatment program, but require cultural components, safe housing and programs to strengthen their wellness, recovery and reintegration into community.
Admission Criteria
Round Lake Accepts Individual Who:
- have completed Stage II treatment defines as having completed a recovery based program and are stabilized and are in need of further housing and recovery support.
- able to participate without supervision in outside appointments and activities.
- are motivated to self-directed change, and who are goal directed in focus to learn and understand and are motivated to become independent in a recovery based lifestyle.
- willing to adhere to established recovery oriented home atmosphere with an adherence to all Round Lake Treatment Centre guidelines, and protocols.
- willing to undergo assessments as needed and does not display behaviour that would be unduly disruptive or harmful to other residents or Stage II clients.
- does not engage in self-harm activities and are not suicidal.
- are willing to participate fully in outlining supports and contributing to the development of their Service Care Plan with the understanding of and acceptance of a longer treatment stay.
- are willing to contribute $400 per month toward their shelter costs as well as a $200 damage deposit.
- are 19 years of age or older.
Medical Criteria:
To be eligible to enter Post Recovery Treatment the individual must:
- be free from all communicable diseases (i.e., scabies, lice).
- have a tuberculosis (TB) test in the last 12 months. (If a TB test is positive and results measure larger than 10 mm, skin test results must be followed up by a TB chest X-ray.
- be on medications that are in alignment with our SAFE/UNSAFE Medication List.
- not have physical health needs that require daily 1:1 care.
Round Lake is Not Under Any Obligation to Accept:
- MCFD-mandated or court ordered residents. Residents must recognize that life conflicts (impaired driving, child apprehension, etc.) are caused as a result of alcohol and drug use.
- All possible outside interference during the Post Treatment Services such as court appearances, MCFD case conferences, etc., will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Round Lake does not accept potential residents with the following legal conditions:
- Electronic Monitoring
- Temporary Absence
- 24 Hour Supervision
- Day Parole
- Known, charged, or convicted sexual offenders
All other legal conditions are reviewed on a case by case basis. We limit the number of potential residents who have current legal orders in place.
PLEASE NOTE: Admission Criteria are clearly outlined. Questions are accepted but please do not expect exceptions to be made for the potential resident.
- Admission criteria are based on the need to ensure a safe environment for all.
- Shelter rates are determined based on employment income and/or income assistant needs.
Application Forms
To apply to be admitted to our Recovery Home please download the Application form below.
- Application for Recovery Home (PDF ONLY)
- APPENDIX E – Confirmation of Per Diem Funding/Comfort Allowance Form
How Much Does It Cost?
The majority of the cost of the recovery home is covered by grants. You are only paying 20% of the total cost.
Rent is based on a $400 per month rate, with a per diem amount shifting depending on the length of the month. If you are a couple, rent is based on $600 per month. A refundable $200 damage deposit is required as well. Income assistance is usually sufficient to cover the cost of the rent.
While living at the Painted Turtle Lodge, meals will be provided. You will be responsible for purchasing your own toiletries, special snack foods, and personal items such as cigarettes.
How Long Can I Stay?
Residents are encouraged to stay up to six months. It is preferable that residents in post recovery stay for at least two month or more. We want our residents to commit to a bit of a stay, as rapid turnover is not good for a consistent home experience and recovery is a learning task and the more time spent immersed in culture and sobriety, the better prepared you will before returning to your community.

Harm Reduction Policy
The Painted Turtle Lodge and Round Lake Treatment Centre are a sober environments and this is especially important given its proximity to the treatment center and the leadership role we play for those early in the recovery journey.
On-site drug and/or alcohol use will not be tolerated and could result in discharge.
Ultimately abstinence is the long-term goal; harm reduction may be a necessary step to achieve that goal. Rather than pit harm reduction against abstinence, our approach will attempt to integrate elements of both, that they can exist together and be complementary to other models such as trauma informed, resident focused approach and even 12-Step philosophies. Residents who may experience a minor relapse must be willing to explore and examine the ill-effects their misuse of substances have had and any such minor slips or relapse will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and the approach will be used as a teachable moment in the resident’s recovery journey. Dismissal may not be an option provided the resident demonstrates a high regard for sober and recovery based living practices. However, it must be understood that a zero tolerance for substance use while on-site will be maintained.
This is in line with harm reduction principles that recognize the difficulty of recovery and the idea that a slip does not equal a relapse.
Repeated slips may quickly add up to a full relapse, and discharge will follow. We encourage residents to take the possibility of discharge more seriously than the potential for less drastic consequences, as the feeling that one free pass is available to use is both inaccurate and dangerous to your sobriety and privileges may be reconsidered due to your conduct.
Drug Testing
Residents may be drug tested should staff feel it necessary to confirm sobriety or to rule out doubt if use is suspected. We encourage the mindset that these provide an opportunity to win at sobriety with a negative test.
Baggage Search
Baggage will be viewed together with the Recovery Home staff upon arrival to ensure appropriateness of items. Inappropriate items will be held until you leave, or returned home by you.